Signed, Sealed and Delivered!

So You Want To Be A Notary Public

 Notary Stamping

Becoming a notary public can be a very lucrative home-based business as mentioned in this book that I have purchased on Amazon( You can work part-time or full-time and still make a good living!

I became interested in becoming a notary public when I went to get one of my documents notarized. I noticed how easy it was for the notary public to notarize my document and she made 10 bucks in about 10 minutes. I’m like “wow I can do that!“.

You may say that “10 dollars is not much” but that is what the state allows. But check this out. With your notary certificate, you can become a loan signing agent making $65-$150 per signing with each signing taking at most 1 hour to complete. We’ll get to the loan signing agent aspect at a later date.

I‘m going to show you how I became a notary public. I will show you the mistakes I made so that you can avoid them.

As usual, should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at I’ll be more than happy to answer them!

Now let’s get started.

Apply For An Arizona Notary Public License

Apply For An Arizona Notary Public License

So when I began the process of applying for an Arizona Notary Public, the first thing I did was research what is necessary to become a notary public in Arizona. And the first thing I needed to do was purchase a $5000.00 surety bond which is a document the state of Arizona requires all Notaries to purchase for the duration of their 4-year commission. The Notary bond protects the public of Arizona against any financial loss due to improper conduct by an Arizona Notary. The cost of the surety bond is pretty cheap, like $25 for four years. I was able to purchase a surety bond from the American Association of Notaries.

After you fill out the application to purchase the surety bond, the surety bond folks will process your application and send you the result in an email. Attached to this email is a surety bond itself.

Now go to the Secretary of the State of Arizona website and fill out the online notary public application. In this application, you will be asked for the surety bond number that you received in the email.

After you have completed the online application, download and print it out.

Mail your signed notary application (printed from the state’s website), signed notarized notary bond, and application fees($43.00) to the state. The address should be on the application. Keep a copy of the bond and application for future references.

Don’t Make The Signature Mistake!

One thing I want to make sure that you understand is that your signature on the surety bond must be pretty close to the signature on the notary application. If those signatures do not look the same or are pretty close to the same, the state of Arizona will send the whole application back to you so you can redo the application. I made the mistake of my signatures not matching. They sent the application back. Now during a normal application process, it takes about 4 to 6 weeks. During Covid, it was like six to eight weeks. By the time they sent my application back to me, guess what. My bond had expired. You have only so much time from the bond issue date to apply it to your notary application. I had to get a new bond. The good news is that they sent me one at no cost.

After I completed the Arizona notary application for the second time, I sent the signed application with the signed bond application and a $43 application fee to the Secretary of State of Arizona.


Sign Up For Your NNA Membership

Sign Up For Your NNA Membership

Let me say this first, you must sign up with the National Notary Association. They are recognized as the de facto notary association. When you sign up to any of the Loan Signing Services as a loan signing agent, the majority of them ask if you are a member of the National Notary Association”? AS I had mentioned before, we will talk about becoming a Loan Signing Agent at a later date.

The National Notary Association, better known as the NNA, is a great resource for training, current notary news, laws, and more. They also offer a hotline just in case you might have any questions regarding a notary signing. For example, let’s say you’re at a notary signing and you have a question and you need the answer ASAP. You can call the NNA and tell him what your problem is, and they will help you. This is a great service!

So go ahead and sign up here with the NNA, and stay tuned for the next post when we talk about notary training.

Get Your Notary Training On.

Let me state that training is essential to being a good notary public. There is a plethora of notary training on the internet. The training I did and recommend and is provided by the NNA. It is called Notary Essentials.

It is an online interactive training with review questions. After each course, there are questions to verify that you retained the information you just read. 

After completing and passing the course, you can download and print out a certificate and show it off. Congratulations! 

Next post we will tackle how to promote your notary business.

Get Your Journal and Seal

So while you were studying the Arizona Notary Public manual, you ran across the mentioning of a journal and a seal. Hmm, how do I get these items?

The answer to this question is when you get your notary certificate from the Arizona Secretary of State, you can purchase the seal. As for the journal, you can get them practically anywhere. Just make sure it has the items that Arizona requires. You can find these requirements in the Notary manual.

As for the journal, I recommend this one from Amazon.

I also recommend this privacy guard, which is from Amazon. With the current emphasis on privacy concerns, this guard blocks the information in the journal from being seen by others while performing a notarization.

Please note that you must have your Arizona Notary certificate to input information from the certification into the order form.

Now on to the seal. Go to where you secured your bond insurance. Click on the notary stamps link, and you will see a myriad of stamps to choose .

Click on the tab “Select Another State” and choose Arizona. Now you do not need anything fancy to stamp documents. I purchased this one for $19.95, and this includes a free membership to the American Association of Notaries.

It will take approximately two weeks to receive your seal.

Next, we will be talking about joining the National Notary Association which is the de-facto association for everything notary.